Friday, November 19, 2010

17 Principles of Success

The key to success is a combination of the 17 principles presented here and in the program the Science of Personal Achievement.

These 17 principles serve as a dependable road map leading directly to the source of all riches--be they intangible or material. Follow this map and you cannot miss the way. But be prepared to comply with all of the instructions and to assume all of the responsibilities that go with achieving success.

And, above all, remember that enduring success must be shared with others.

Napoleon Hill spent a lifetime researching the secrets of success. Some of the most celebrated and successful people of the 20th century shared their insights with him during the course of his work, initially inspired by the industrialist Andrew Carnegie.

The 500 greats who collaborated with Napoleon Hill included Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Henry Ford, Woodrow Wilson, Charles Schwab, J. Pierpont Morgan, and F.W. Woolworth.

While you might not found an international corporation or invent a life-altering device (but then again, you might!), if you use these inspired and inspiring keys to success, you will learn how to take full possession of your mind and your life, understand how adversity can be turned to your advantage and develop nurturing, harmonious relationships.

Countless millions worldwide have benefited from Napoleon Hill's work. Now it is your turn.

1. Definiteness of Purpose.

The starting point of all achievement, Definiteness of Purpose--knowing what your goal is, knowing what you want--fills you with a success-consciousness and protects you against failure.

Exercise: Decide on a major goal in your live--either personal or professional. How much time will you give yourself to achieve this goal? How will you know that you achieved it? Is your success measurable? Attainable? Write out your goal in a clear, concise, positive manner. Transfer it to a 3 x 5 card; place it in your office and home where you will see your goal several times a day.

Successful people move on their own initiative, but they know where they are going before they start.

2. Master Mind Principle. 

The coordination of effort between two or more people in a spirit of perfect harmony in order to attain a specific objective.

Exercise: Keeping in mind the steps for creating a Master Mind group given below, list the people who can help you reach a goal, as well as the ways in which each can help you. 

* Adopt a definite purpose with an objective to be attained by the alliance

* Determine what appropriate benefit each member may receive in return for his cooperation in the alliance, and see that he/she gets it

* Establish a plan through which each member makes a definite contribution

* Ensure that harmony prevails in the group

* Remember that your watchword is definiteness of plan and purpose

* Calculate the number of individuals in the group by the nature of the purpose to be attained

No person can become a permanent success without taking others along with him or her.

3. Applied Faith.

A state of mind through which your aims, desires, plans and purposes are translated into their physical or financial equivalent.

Exercise: What affirming statements, what beliefs do you feel you must have faith in before you can reach your goal? These statements can refer to yourself, your fellow citizens, or the universe (and accompanying creator/s) at large.

You can do it if you believe you can.

4. Pleasing Personality.

A pleasing personality helps you master the major cause of failure--the inability to get along with people harmoniously.

Exercise: List the elements of a pleasing personality in which you most need to make improvement. What steps will you take to make these changes? How will changing them help you to reach your goal?

Your personality is your greatest asset or liability. It embraces everything you control: mind, body, and soul.

5. Going the Extra Mile.

Rendering more and better service than you are paid to render, doing it all the time and doing it with a pleasing, positive attitude.

Exercise: In the process of achieving your goal, and with the list of your "master minds" in mind, what "extra miles" might you consider going? What might be the anticipated results of these extra efforts?

The most successful people are those who serve the greatest number of people.

6. Personal Initiative.

The inner power that starts all action; the power that inspires the completion of all that one begins.

Exercise: What actions can you take today, right now, to move toward your goals? How about tomorrow? What actions will be needed then? Outline your planned movement toward your goal, beginning each step with the words, "I will. . ." Be specific.

No people are free until they learn to do their own thinking and gain the courage to act on their own personal initiative.

7. Self-Discipline.

The ability to control our thoughts and emotions, self-discipline is the only thing in life over which you have complete, unchallenged, and unchallengeable control.

Exercise: Using the "I will. . ." statements outlined in #6, visualize in your mind that you are doing each one. Imagine yourself going through whatever it takes to successfully complete each step. How does it feel? What do you notice as possible obstacles? What parts were easy? What ones were difficult?

Direct your thoughts, control your emotions and ordain your destiny.

8. Controlled attention.

The highest form of self-discipline, the act of coordinating all your mind's faculties and directing their combined power to a given end.

Exercise: What resources can you use for research as you plan your strategy for achieving your goals? What affirmations would be most helpful if they were placed in your mind for your subconscious to remember?

You can keep your mind working for you, even while you sleep, with controlled attention.

9. Enthusiasm.

A contagious state of mind that not only helps you gain the cooperation of others but, more importantly, inspires you to draw upon and use the power of your imagination.

Exercise: It is always important to choose the most positive language-- with yourself and with others. Demonstrate that by writing ten statements about potential obstacles that begin negatively, e.g., "I'm afraid that. . .." or "I doubt that. . ." or "I don't think that. . . ." End each statement with a reason for your belief or doubt. Now transform that into a positive statement by rewriting each statement, replacing "I'm afraid" or "I doubt" with "I can" or "I will." Once again, give your reasons for holding these new enthusiastic and positive beliefs. See the difference being positive in word choice can make?

Real enthusiasm comes from within, and is faith in action. 

10. Imagination.

Imagination is your mind's exercise, challenge and adventure. It uses old ideas and established facts to reassemble them into new combinations and to put them to new uses.

Exercise: Two imagination exercises: First, imagine your "ideal" life, the one in which your goal has been reached, things are the way that you want them, you have everything you desire. What is that life like? Describe it in detail. Describe all aspects of it--what you have, where you live, who you love, etc.

Second, imagine five alternative methods of achieving your goal; it's always good to have several choices. Let your imagination soar, held back by no barriers. Might these new ideas be incorporated into your current plan of attack?

Imagination is the workshop of the soul.

11. Learning from Adversity and Defeat.

Hardship and adversity are a common language of nature in which she speaks to all living creatures and teaches them many things they would not learn in any other way.

Exercise: Review your life--both professional and in the personal realm--and recall several obstacles that have stood in your way. Think about those obstacles and what followed after encountering them. Remember how many of them actually led to positive things: new knowledge, inspiration, a "lucky" break. Describe one of these incidents in detail.

Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.

12. Budgeting Time and Money. 

Successful people know themselves, not as they think they are, but as their habits have made them: the use of time and money are the most vital of these habits.

Exercise: Detail the time and monetary expenses of achieving your goals. Break down the costs as specifically as possible. Where will you find that time? Where will you find the money? Will you have to deduct time or money from other tasks or needs? What will you do with any spare money you have?

Tell me how you use your spare time and how you spend your money, and I will tell you where and what you will be ten years from now. 

13. Positive Mental Attitude. 

To govern your life, you must be able to govern your mind, and that is the starting point of all riches. 

Exercise: Over the next few days, review how much time you spend on the negative aspects: complaining, gossiping, fearing or doubting, criticizing. Make an effort to erase these from your life. Apply the time you save to something positive (see #12). Replace negative words--can't, won't shouldn't--with positive ones--can, will, shall (see #9). 

Be careful what you wish for, for you will surely achieve it. 

14. Accurate Thinking. 

The accurate thinker recognizes all the facts of life, both good and bad, and assumes the responsibility of separating and organizing the two, choosing those which serve his needs and rejecting all others. 

Exercise: Think of three statements about the obstacles you might encounter that you now consider facts. Think hard about the truth of each, doing research if necessary (see #8). Are these really true? For example, you own a company that sells beach chairs. Your obstacle is that beach chairs sell poorly in winter. That is a fact. But does that mean beach chairs must sell poorly in January or simply in cold weather? What if you found a distributor in the Caribbean or South America ? The fact is, beach chairs could sell year round; it all depends on how you look at the facts! 

You are what you think. 

15. Sound Physical Health. 

The key that coordinates all other principles and sets all ideas into motion, sound health provides the "flavor" to the good things in life. 

Exercise: For one week, keep track of everything you eat and drink. What percentage of that is "healthy"? What did you eat or drink that could do you harm? What should you do away with? During the week, did you exercise? What sort of exercise? How many times and for how long? And your sleep habits, how were they? Did you get all of the sleep your body needed? Why or why not? How could you change your lifestyle or your schedule to incorporate a proper diet and sleep regimen? 

Good health, a sense of well-being and a purpose for living make any day beautiful. 

16. Cooperation. 

Harmony based on a definite motive, cooperation is the medium through which great personal power may be attained; the willing cooperation and coordination of effort to achieve a specific objective. 

Exercise: Returning to your Master Mind list (see #2), think of ways in which you might use your skills and knowledge to help the people named there in return for the help they can give you. 

Harmonious cooperation is a priceless asset that you can acquire in proportion to your giving. 

17. Cosmic Habitforce. 

The cosmic habitforce is the universe's law of equilibrium, the one natural law into which all other natural laws resolve themselves. 

Exercise: You manifest in your life that which you think. List eight things you would like to manifest by thinking about them repeatedly and by truly believing in them.

When you learn to weave unpleasant circumstances into something useful, you're on the road to success. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


For most of us, when we think about being our "best" selves, there is a sense of depth, breadth and richness. We see ourselves, in the future--calm, collected, wise, joyful, experiencing all the top-shelf positive emotions.

I believe that picture of life is definitely the goal of living our best life; however it can be a misleading picture. As a rule, when we visualize ourselves in that moment of living our best life, it's important to remember that's exactly what it is -- a moment. It's precisely the same as when we capture a memory of a wonderful trip or vacation. We tend to isolate a moment that best represents the feeling we tie to the memory of that trip. It rarely means that you felt that feeling for every single moment.

Not only is life like that -- a whole gamut of emotions -- but it's SUPPOSED to be like that! In fact, living our best life is about experiencing the full joy of being human, and that is not always joyful. So how do we reconcile feeling all those negative emotions with living our "best" life? The secret to living our best human life is to give ourselves permission to feel everything, but to not get stuck in the negative emotions. It really is that simple!

Every single feeling you feel is valid and legitimate. It may not always be "appropriate," but the fact remains that you are feeling it, and that makes it legal. We often do more harm by trying to "not feel" negative emotions than by allowing them out.

Here are some suggestions for going "through" the mountain instead of looking for a way around, over, or under the mountain:

1. Remember that the goal of self-development is to grow into someone who can handle anything that comes your way. We can't do that if we are trying to pretend that we are not having a negative response right now. We almost never try to hide a positive emotion; we need to expand that philosophy into all emotions.

2. The emotion is not bigger than we are. Sometimes we are fearful of allowing ourselves to really go with an emotion because it threatens to overwhelm us. In reality, that almost never happens. What makes the feeling so powerful is the energy we put into not admitting we are feeling it. Fear, anger, guilt, and resentment--these are all like small children pulling at your leg. They get louder and louder until you finally ask what they want. Ninety-nine percent of the time, their response is "nothing." What they wanted was your attention, and now that they have it, they can move on.

3. Stay in the present; articulate exactly what the feeling is. We can often be so afraid of feeling negative emotions that we lump a whole gamut of emotions together. In fact, there is value in being able to identify exactly what you are feeling. For example, there is a world of difference between "apprehensive" and "paralyzed with fear," yet we often don't make the distinction. We just generalize the feeling and we say we are afraid. For me, being apprehensive doesn't necessarily mean an inability to take action. There is something going on, yes, but it could be as simple as being afraid of something I've never done before. Taking the time to get clear can often get you moving again.

4. Don't try to "rise above it." I often have clients tell me they feel they shouldn't feel or encourage the negative feeling because they are on a path of evolving. Allowing the negative emotion appears contradictory to them. Again, it isn't the emotion, or feeling the emotion, that gets in the way of our personal growth, but how long we spend feeling it. I once knew a person who was quite proud of the fact that he never got angry. As I reflected on this, I was graced with an awareness. It was true--he never got angry--but it was because he was ALWAYS angry. He never had to "get" there. That anger came out in behavior we would classify as passive aggressive. True, it was never overt or loud, but it ran through each and every interaction he had. How could that possibly be better then never getting or showing anger?

5. Set a time limit on how long you are willing to vent, rant or whine. Five minutes is usually a good time frame. Most of us will have exhausted all that negativity by the end of 5 minutes and we will have freed up a ton of energy that we can put to work on achieving our goals. If you feel that 5 minutes isn't enough, then wait some time (perhaps 2 to 4 hours) and then give yourself 5 more minutes. The very act of setting a time limit gives you a sense of control over the feeling that helps put it into perspective.

6. When an emotion hovers just under the surface, try to bring it out. Watch a movie that will bring out the tears (or the right McDonald's commercial). Some movies that make me cry (just about every single time I see them) are: Pay it Forward, An Affair to RememberTerms of Endearment and all three of the Lord of the Rings movies. I'm sure you can think of a few of your own. Rent the movie, get out the Kleenex and let yourself go.

7. Find a physical means of releasing negative energy. It may be putting extra energy into physical exercise you are already doing (walking, jogging, bike riding, etc). or going for a full-out release of the energy by slamming into a punching bag, screaming at the top of your lungs, etc. The key here is to release the energy--so that you can be free of it. It is not meant to be directed at anyone.

8. Don't forget the power of the written word. Take time to sit down and write out what you are feeling. Any way that you are able to clarify what you are feeling is good. In the heat of any emotion, most of us have the same thoughts rumbling through our brain. Writing it out can bring clarity, and more importantly, release. If someone else is involved, try writing a letter or postcard that you burn instead of sending.

9. A negative response is just that--a response that comes unbidden and not through the brain. It is never logical and always needs to be acknowledged and validated. It is possible, however, to allow logic to dissipate the energy. If that works, fine. If not, try a physical release.

10. Don't allow any emotion to stop you from taking action. I'm sure you've heard the phrase, "Feel the fear and do it anyway." Allowing yourself to take action despite the fear is what makes a true hero. Fear can often be the sign of good common sense kicking into action.

11. Become aware of your personal response to fear. For example, I have found multiple times in my life that sickness is a "legitimate" reason for not doing what I know I need to do but am afraid to do. I now know to ask the question when I'm sick: is this real? Or is this a fear that I'm unwilling to look at? Most of us have something that we use to keep us from taking action. Look for yours!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Need to be silence in a noisy world

It is quite evident that we are living in one terribly noisy world and it seems to be getting worse every day. Everywhere we go we are accosted by loud, unwanted sound. When we enter elevators, malls and restaurants we are engulfed by musak. I recently had lunch at a popular restaurant and found the background music so loud that it interfered with normal conversation and the enjoyment of my lunch. When I asked the waitress if she could turn the music off, or at least down, she said, "I don't think we can." Surely, we as a people are still in charge of volume controls. 

When you add lawnmowers, snow blowers, leaf blowers, jack hammers, jet engines, transport trucks, and horns and buzzers of all types and descriptions, you have a wall of constant noise and irritation. Even when watching a television program at a reasonable volume level you are blown out of your chair when a commercial comes on at the decibel level of a jet. 

We seem to have created a cultural acceptance of our noisy world in spite of the fact that it is making us ill physically and psychologically. We can't seem to live without background sound. We have friends who turn on the television the moment they awaken in the morning and leave it on all day. The house is just too quiet if it isn't on. Former high school students of mine used to tell me that the first thing they did on arriving home after school was turn on their CD player as loudly as would be tolerated by their parents. 

Cornell University recently conducted a study to determine the impact of noise on employees in an open area office space where people are constantly exposed to fax machines, telephones, office chatter, shredding machines, etc. Test results revealed that workers in an open area had high levels of adrenalin in their urine. Adrenalin is released by the body when under stress. It prepares us for fight or flight. When these employees were compared to those in self contained office spaces the results were startling. People in a quiet, self contained work area did not have the same high levels of adrenalin in their urine. They were much more relaxed and less stressed. 

A puzzle, demanding attention and concentration, was given to both groups of employees. The open area group was found to be less diligent in the solution of the puzzle becoming easily frustrated and giving up much earlier than the group from the quiet office. The study also found that workers from the quiet office slept better at night, had better digestion, were much less irritable at home and felt better at the end of their workday than employees from the open concept office. Noise does seem to affect focus, productivity and general physical and psychological well being. Noise tends to increase stress levels which in turn can result in increased frustration and anger and strained interpersonal relationships. We must begin to establish a friendship with silence. 

How to Make a Friend of Silence 

While we have very little control over noise in the environment at large, we do have control over our own private environment. This is where we begin to cultivate a friendship with silence. 

* Make a conscious commitment to the experience and appreciation of silence. 

* Go for a walk in nature. Let the silence soothe your spirit. 

* When you are alone in your residence turn off all noise making appliances. Begin with fifteen minutes of silence and gradually increase the duration. 

* Learn how to meditate and schedule a ten minute meditation period once or twice a day. Gradually extend your meditation time. 

* When driving to work turn off your car radio and drive in silence. 

* Go camping for a night by yourself. Find a quiet campground where they don't allow people to blast their music without consideration for others. I usually go solo camping for one week each year to be alone and silent in the outdoors. It has become something I eagerly look forward to. 

* Drive to a lake at sunset and rent a canoe. Paddle slowly along the shoreline observing the silent sights and the gentle sounds of nature as the sun sets and darkness approaches. 

* In silence listen to your breathing. Get a sense of the silent rhythm of life. 

* Just before retiring go outside and look up at the night sky. You will soon sense another universal rhythm so unfamiliar to many. Let the night sky and the darkness embrace you and calm you as you prepare for a night's rest. 

* When you read a book, do so in silence. Many of us read to music or during television commercials. Try silence. You'll grow to love it. 

Soon you will begin to cherish the periods of silence you have built into your day and long for more. You will quickly discover that you are becoming more relaxed and less tense even in the midst of our noisy world. You will have made an invaluable new friend of silence, a friend which can comfort, heal and soothe your spirit. What a gift you will have given yourself. 

Be still and know the restorative power of silence.