You succeed based on the quality of your work, the amount of work we can do and one other factor: speed. How fast can you go?
The power and progress of our society is based on speed. When your particle flow (information, services, goods and so on) is slow, the rest of the world speeds on by.
For example, can you imagine working without a computer, telephone, fax machine or the Internet?
Can you imagine traveling without a car or an airplane?
Imagine being in a world where the telegraph and railroad were major improvements.
Business Speed
Speed of particle flow determines the power of a business. The faster the business' particles (service, sales, payment, delivery and so on) the more prosperous it becomes.
For example, you want to buy carpet for your home. Two companies sell the exact carpet you want.
One says, "We can install it in six weeks" and the other says, "We can install it tomorrow." Who do you pick?
If the price and quality are comparable, the company that can deliver the goods the fastest always wins in the end. In many cases, speed is more important than quality or price.
For example, fresh ripe tomatoes from Mexico in February may cost more, but they sell out quickly. Without fast delivery, they are inedible.
Imagine fast service in all areas.
You call and say, "Hello, I was calling to see if you could send someone to fix my furnace."
The furnace company says, "Is ten minutes okay?"
You call your dentist and ask, "How soon can I see the doctor?"
The receptionist says, "How about 1:00 today?"
You call an auto dealer and say, "I'd like a fully-loaded 2003 Midnight Blue Mercedes 450SL with white leather seats."
The dealer says, "It's right here. You can pick it up or we can deliver it to you in an hour."
Business owners who take forever to make decisions soon lose money. Managers who can spot problems and correct them within minutes are valuable and hard to find. Workers who move like lightening are soon promoted.
Companies that can quickly change their direction are the most successful. For example, chain bookstores did not start selling books over the Internet until was in business long enough to work out their systems and take over the market. Chain bookstores lost millions because they took too long to act.
Personal Success
How quickly can you move the particles (communications, projects, services and so on) in your life or work? How fast are you?
When you wait, avoid and make excuses, you kill your speed. You delay your success.
When you respond quickly, act without delay and complete tasks faster than anyone else, you have power.
For example, high-school graduates Lynn and Chris both want to become school teachers.
Lynn says, "I've got all those years of school in front of me. I'm taking a year off to ride my bike around Europe before I start."
Chris says, "I can't wait to teach. I'm taking classes this summer and will get my degree in three years."
Who do you think becomes the other's principal?
The only road to significant success is in the fast lane.
Ten Tips for Speeding up Your Success
1. Jump into projects as soon as possible.
2. Act quickly on opportunities. If you see what you want, jump on it before you lose the chance.
3. Push yourself to walk faster, talk faster, read faster and move faster.
4. Keep up your speed with good habits: sufficient sleep, good food, regular exercise and so on.
5. Reduce or eliminate people or things that delay or stop you from moving quickly.
6. Whenever you think something can't be done quickly, ask "Why not?"
7. Constantly look for faster methods to get the same result.
8. Send and return communications with as little delay as possible.
9. Set tough deadlines for completing tasks and make them.
10. Challenge yourself by taking on more work than ever and getting it done in less time than ever.
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