Wednesday, August 25, 2010

optimizing brain power

Scientists used to believe that brain cells and the connections were set early in life and did not change in adulthood. In the past decade, that assumption has been drastically disproved. Through advancement in brain imaging and other techniques, we now know that the brain as well as behavior can be trained, physically modified, and functionally transformed. The inner workings and circuitry of the brain change with new experiences. 

Neuroplasticity and behavioral change occur within the context of individual styles. Some of these styles that appear more or less hard-wired need to be taken into account for optimum learning and performance.

Learning and Performance Styles
Self-management involves understanding yourself quite well: your strengths, weaknesses, learning style, working style, needs, and values.

Optimum learning and performance occur when you are in a specific state of mind matched to what you are doing. When you operate from your strengths, you optimize the potential for excellence. 

In addition to recognizing strengths, knowing how you learn and perform is crucial for success. These learning and performance characteristics are styles; they can be slightly modified, but ultimately must be respected and strategically planned. 

• Readers 
Some people learn best by reading, and need to see a text or pictures in order to really comprehend material. President John Kennedy was a reader who assembled an outstanding group of writers on his staff. Part of Kennedy's brilliance was in using these people and what they wrote to inform his decisions. 

• Listeners 
President Johnson had attained his reputation and success as a listener. When Johnson kept the same people on his staff after he succeeded Kennedy, they kept on writing. Johnson derailed his presidency by not recognizing that he was a listener, not a reader. 

• Writers 
Some people learn best by writing. Beethoven kept copious notes and amassed an enormous numbers of sketchbooks, yet never looked at them when he composed. When asked about this practice, he said, "If I don't write it down immediately, I forget it right away. If I put it into a sketchbook, I never forget it and I never have to look it up again." 

• Talkers 
Some people learn best by hearing themselves talk. This is a style I am quite familiar with. A significant portion of the material in my books comes from what I later jot down from teaching, presentations, and supervision of professionals— things that came to me in a different way from what I had previously thought or written out. "I don't write because I have something to say, I write to see what I have to say."

• Collaborators 
Some people work best in collaboration with others. Creative pairings and the dance of ideas are common for those who perform best in conjunction with others. Some collaborators work best as team members, succeeding in a system where ideas and implementation occur as part of a group.

• Loners 
Some people work best alone, preferring the purity of concentration and focus that they can achieve only in the quietness of working alone.

These predominant styles of learning—and none of them is all-or-nothing—constitute an important piece of self-knowledge and a way to facilitate performance for clients. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

7 Principles

Uncertain about what you're creating? Not managing to make it happen? Going nowhere despite great effort?

The problem's down to one of these seven principles of creation. And the good news is: the remedy's within.

1). Creative intelligence is not something we acquire, it is something we access. Your creative potential is innate, always there, but you've got to tune in. This is the fundamental principle, establishing that you are not separate from the creative, creating world. The great zen master, Thich Nhat Hanh, calls it Interbeing — the knowledge that the invisible intelligence that creates a new day, a tall tree, a full moon is also flowing through you.

2). Acknowledge this relationship with your own creative process as the No. 1 relationship in your life, the one that defines all the others.

3). Disregard doubt. Know that you can create what you need and want. "If the sun and moon should doubt…," William Blake wrote in Auguries of Innocence, "…They'd immediately go out." Doubt snuffs out creative energy.

4). Feel free to observe, allow and express your unique and individual essence and experience.

5). Wake up to what your five sense are creating. Come out of your thoughts and see, hear, taste, touch, smell instead.

6). Summon the sixth sense, that of overall perception and intuition. What's going on right where you are, not inside your cranium? Summon stillness, awareness and presence and do so regularly.

7). Allow life's challenges to teach you what you need to know. To grow.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mind Power

Creative visualization is having your thinking stretch beyond your normal comprehension. Why do you need creative visualization? Creative visualization allows you to solve your problems quickly, brings you the solution you need, expands your horizon and create great emotionalexperience.

Creative visualization brings excitement in your life as you have created the interest and passion in your thinking and that will initiate and align your physical force to action out your creativevisualization and bring forth your visualization into reality.

Now how do you achieve developing mind power to have creative visualization? Remember, everyone is talking about how powerful creative visualization, but none talks about how to get to a creative visualization and manifest it into reality.

Developing mind power to gain creative visualization is much needed when you are faced with a problem you have never encounter before. For example, you need to design a garden requested by a friend and you know art is the last thing you want to do or come out with a report or analysis you have never done before.

So now, how do you create something in your mind of which you have never experienced before? When you are bestowed on a task out of your comfort zone, you will feel stress leading to panic and anxiety building up. 

Under these negative conditions, you can never think of a perfect solution to your problem. And this is the time, you really seek for your perfect solution which is your answer to your problem.

In developing mind power to gain creative visualization, first you need to get detached. You can get detached by dropping your brain waves to the alpha level. Once you are at the alpha level, you will be feeling calm and focus cutting out the doubt, fear and anxiety in your mind. Your performance will be at the optimum at this stage. Thinking out of the box is not a problem and you will be just thinking at the perfect solution.

I am sure you are excited by now. How do you get your brain waves to drop to alpha level? This is as easy as it gets. Just listen to soft meditative music. It will silent your chattering mind that is keeping your inner powers away. Once your mind is silent, you will have the power to bring up your intuition and your innerself will bring forth the answers you need. 

You also need other steps in developing your mind power is to keep on working on your creative nature so that you are able to handle events and happenings out of your comfort zone and not shun them away with it starts to happen.

How to keep on bringing up and polishing your creative nature. One of way of developing mind power is to work with colors in your life. Colors enhance your memory by at least 78%. This helps you to recollect and flash back to understand the situation accurately and quickly.

Another way in bringing up your creative nature without much effort and end up developing your mind power subconsciously is to try to do things differently. Doing things differently will periodically get you out of your comfort zone. You are now stretching your emotional experience along with this. This is a great help in developing your mind power to gain great creative visualization and you will be able to keep your stress out when you are thinking of your perfectsolution. With that you know you have the power to handle everything.

Another powerful simple and effective way is movement. Moving your body such as dancing improves your flexibility. Most of us resist change and it creates stress. Breaking out your body in your normal mode allow you to adapt to changes. Your creative visualization will definitely manifest in reality once you are able to develop your mind power. No point having a creative visualization in your imagination without having a power to create them into reality.

Just keep simple tips and allow magnificent changes in your life. Get yourself transform into a positive exciting living.

Monday, August 2, 2010

morale at work

"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm" 
A majority of the issues related to worker productivity stem from 
enthusiasm. Individuals simply go to work because they abhor their 
employer, the monotony, and the products. There is no passion or 
Much of this issue stems from issues embedded within organizational 
. We find that organizational Issues affecting morale and 
productivity include:
Leadership not serving as an exemplars - some leaders today are 
narcissists, demeaning and ruthful. More importantly, salaries 
exceed employee pay by 425 times the average work. Leaders need to 
harmonize with employees and treat all equally. Avatars include 
McDonalds, Fed Ex and UPS where employees and management are one. 
Little or no accountability - The United States economic system is 
currently in financial turmoil and no one is accountable. Employees 
need to know that mistakes count for learning but criminals punished 
for repeat offenses. 
Career planning and succession planning is null - Simply put there 
is no succession planning. Most CEO's and managers arrive from 
competitive industries and companies. Whatever happened to the 
mailroom climb? 
Infighting amongst departments - When the fighting ends and all 
understand the reason for being employed perhaps harmony arrives. 
Too many silos - Companies are in business for one reason- to create 
clients. End the infighting and focus on the most vital asset! 
Causes of morale also correlate back to the organization, its 
culture, and its management. After 25 years of research in this 
area, we find five factors contributing to organizational morale. A 
study by the Corporate Leadership Council reveals managers have a 
tremendous impact on an employee's level of commitment. It is 
imperative to note that individuals do not leave companies they 
leave poor managers. Organizational management contributes to the 
negative morale. As recent as 2006 the Gallup Organization estimates 
there are 32 million actively disengaged employees costing the 
American economy up to $350 billion per year in lost productivity. 
Such loss includes absenteeism, tardiness, and poor work.
Helping to dilute the productivity issue, research depicts that 
taking time to build relationships with employees through personal 
interactions is a key step managers can take to keep morale high. 
Employees need to feel trust and respect from managers. Employees 
desire feedback to build management relationships to understand 
their work matters.
Ending the morale issue is not easy but there are cures
1. Begin with talent acquisition - Start with the right people. No 
firm we work with ever hires on a proactive basis. Most firms 
conduct employment searches reactively. Seek employees that fit with 
the organizational culture and with the obligatory skills. Never 
2. Hire for skill - Talent is innate. Organizations hire for 
personality and behavior first and skill second. Skill is not 
interchangeable, behavior is. A great hire might have a wonderful 
temperament and lack the skill to plug a socket into an outlet. I 
recall a fire star hotel that sought advice to correct housekeeping 
flaws. After five minutes, it was easy enough to terminate staff and 
find those without flaws.
3. Look at best practices from best people - Management focuses on 
repairing those that cannot rather than improve those that can. 
Avatars exist in your organization. Discover what they do right and 
emulate it.
4. Passion - In the 1980's Sylvester Stallone appeared again as 
Rocky this time with a theme, "Eye of the Tiger". What a great 
metaphor for valuable talent. Seek to acquire talent that truly 
loves work. Passion too is innate. Employees must love what they do 
and how they do it. In addition, managers, the organization, and the 
employees must vehemently focus on the customer. When passion is 
high so too is morale. Remember Winnie the Pooh, try finding Eyeor 
amongst staff at Disney; Southwest Airlines and FedEx, all intensely 
focus on servicing the client.
Lastly, management must focus on vital areas for improving the 
success of morale and productivity. Managers must constantly strive 
to provide feedback to employees. Feedback is not an annual event- 
Performance Review. It is imperative that daily communication exists 
for good information and improvement. Coaching, counseling, and 
mentoring are components of organizational morale. In addition, many 
attend church and hear the words, "It is right to give thanks and 
praise". Many watch professional sports and view coaches coddling 
athletes. We can learn something here; simple words of thanks and 
praise constantly improve morale and employee relationships. 
Finally, the first item terminated during economic volatility is 
training. Research finds that employees are assets and require that 
treatment. Never stop training; this improves productivity and 
morale at all times.
Issues of morale and productivity are onerous, volatile, and 
difficult to control. There is a need for management, the 
organization, and the individual to assist with success factors. 
Much is dependent on the desire to change; methods chosen and 
consistent follow through. However, if you do nothing you still have 
a morale issue. Take the time, seek remedies, and keep morale high. 
Doing so, lowers attrition, improves productivity, increases 
profitability and most importantly- reduces stress.